
Showing posts from February, 2021

Covid Causes Newspapers to Flop

  Covid has caused so many industries to go downhill. One major example is the newspaper industry. Ad revenue in newspapers has taken a substantial dip (42%!!). This can be attributed to the economic downturn of the Recession. The pandemic has been extremely hard on the economy. While television seems to be thriving in the pandemic. People have been relying more on TV to obtain their news than these publications. This hit to the industry has led to many pay cuts and layoffs. Will the newspaper industry pull through and be able to make a full recovery soon? Or will it be a distant memory by next year.

Trump Acquitted.. So What Now?

 On February 13th, Donald Trump was acquitted at his second impeachment trial. The Senate voted that Trump was not guilty of inciting the violence that took place on January 6th. Trump is now the only president in history to be impeached twice. It has been a month since the Capital Riots on January 6th. The incident seems like a distant memory now. At the time, it seemed that this would be the final nail in for coffin for Trump's presidency, forever cementing his legacy in controversy. The Capital Riots all lead back to Trump when he first started spouting voter fraud conspiracies and refused to concede back in November. He proceeded to spend the next few months riling his supporters up with these false claims. Then in January, the storming of the Capital took place. Flash forward to today, and Trump is acquitted. Which brings the question: So what now? Trump was not held accountable for inciting those acts of violence. Will he continue to dodge accountability? Will there be a repe

What's The Deal With QAnon?

  QAnon, is a very popular conspiracy that largely stems from people who believe that Donald Trump is trying to save the world. Trump is supposedly saving the American people from a group of cannibal pedophiles running a child-trafficking ring. It just feels crazy to type out that combination of words. This conspiracy is led by someone who goes by the name "Q" and claims to be a Trump insider. At first, QAnon could only be found in the depths of places like 4chan. Over time, the conspiracy would end up bleeding into other social media platforms. This led to QAnon reaching a much wider audience. Mothers, teachers, influencers, and many other types of people are now down with Q. Facebook just now recently started banning QAnon related posts. But it seems like the damage has been done. The conspiracy had already become wildly popular. QAnon has also come up in relation to the Capitol Riots on January 6th. Many of the people who stormed the Capital had ties to Q. Trump has more o

Vaccine (Un)Availability

  The COVID-19 vaccine is finally here! Well, technically. The CDC has established a whole vaccine distribution system that includes multiple phases. Though this system does spark some concern among certain groups of people. In each phase, only certain groups of people are able to receive the vaccine. The first phase deals with first responders, healthcare workers, and people age 65 and older. As the vaccine rollout is moving at a snail's pace, we are still in the initial phase. The main thing surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine is accessibility. Many at-risk people do not qualify for the vaccine right now. People who live in poorer areas are also struggling to get access to it. Immunocompromised people are included in the third part of the rollout. The way this current vaccine rollout is going, who knows when other groups will be able to have access to it. With the new administration promising to boost vaccine doses, there seems to be a positive outlook.