What's The Deal With QAnon?


QAnon, is a very popular conspiracy that largely stems from people who believe that Donald Trump is trying to save the world. Trump is supposedly saving the American people from a group of cannibal pedophiles running a child-trafficking ring. It just feels crazy to type out that combination of words. This conspiracy is led by someone who goes by the name "Q" and claims to be a Trump insider. At first, QAnon could only be found in the depths of places like 4chan. Over time, the conspiracy would end up bleeding into other social media platforms. This led to QAnon reaching a much wider audience. Mothers, teachers, influencers, and many other types of people are now down with Q. Facebook just now recently started banning QAnon related posts. But it seems like the damage has been done. The conspiracy had already become wildly popular. QAnon has also come up in relation to the Capitol Riots on January 6th. Many of the people who stormed the Capital had ties to Q. Trump has more or less refused to condemn the dangerous conspiracy over the years. Will we ever see the fall of Q? Or will it just continue to grow? Is Trump going to be held accountable? I wonder what Q would have to say... 
