America is Vaccinated.. So What Now?


America is actually ahead of schedule with its vaccination rollout. More than half of the adults have received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose. This is a big step towards the "back to normal" that we so desperately crave. But, while things are looking up for us, the pandemic is worsening for many other nations. India is a prime example. Just this past weekend, India set a global record for COVID infections. This situation appears to highlight a glaring issue. The only reason the U.S. was able to vaccinate this many people is that only a handful of countries actually have access to the vaccine. India has been begging for help and it is only now that America has promised to send them leftover vaccines and raw materials for vaccine production. I feel like this is only happening because of public outcry. America seemed like it was going to quit literally leave these countries to die. I am glad that something is being done. The sooner everyone has access to the vaccine, the sooner we can go "back to normal". It is really just that simple. I hope America and Europe give all the other countries access to the vaccine so cases can stop surging. It would only be the right thing to do.
