Biden's Crisis at the Border


When Biden was running for president in 2020, he made a promise to close down border camps and put an end to "children in cages". Now it is nearly three months into his presidency and little to nothing has been done. There was no "freeze" of deportations for 100 days. And there are more children than ever in ICE custody at these border patrol camps. Many facilities have become so crowded that border patrol officers are scrambling trying to move these kids somewhere. One example is a facility in Texas designed to hold only 250 occupants is filled to the brim, with over 4,100 migrant children and adults. Officials are clearly overwhelmed with the influx of people in custody. Instead of closing these places down as promised, the Biden administration has been opening more and more facilities and keeping more children in custody. The children often end up staying in these detention centers instead of being transferred to government shelters that would be able to properly accommodate them. Reports about these immigration detention centers are always so bleak. But I hope that these damning pieces of journalism lead to people taking action so we can see some real change. It should not be this difficult for someone to immigrate to another country and start a new life.
