Facebook News Strikes Again: An Era of Misinformation


Facebook used to just be a normal social media platform. Nowadays, it is synonymous with the famous phrase "fake news". This can be due to CEO Mark Zuckerberg's failure to properly label harmful misinformation. These actions allowed conspiracy theories like the anti-vaxxer movement and Q-Anon to gain lots of traction and spread like wildfire across the platform. Today people use social media platforms like Facebook as their main source of information. Rather than obtaining information from reliable publications and journalists. Currently, there is misinformation regarding COVID-19 running rampant on the platform. 

Everything from people denying that the pandemic is even real to outright spreading lies about the COVID vaccine. There are even claims that the vaccine causes infertility. Due to this misinformation and wild conspiracy theories, people seem to be more afraid of the vaccine than the actual virus. Zuckerberg has promised time and time again to do something to combat this violent misinformation. Yet he keeps coming up in the news for not taking action. There needs to be some kind of resolution to this problem because I can only see things getting worse from here on out. 
