Trump's Effect on Journalism

 While Trump divided many, most can agree that he had a major impact on journalism and media. Some deem him the "Twitter President". No other president was as heavily involved on social media platforms as Trump. Rather than giving press conferences and taking questions from reporters, he would be tweeting practically everything, at any time of day. This turned out to actually be great for the media. Journalists had a fresh story every single day for 4 straight years. Anytime Trump said anything it would be trending on the internet all day and be the main focus. The media ended up doing a great job of informing the people about Trump's latest executive action and policy decisions. Although, some feel that the laser focus and preoccupation on Trump detracted from more important news developments. With Biden in office, we can also see how the media is handling things much differently this time. 

Biden ran on claiming to be the total "opposite" of Trump. People refer to Biden as radically normal. The Biden administration was welcomed as a "return to normalcy". With the new president not constantly using social media, his actions appear to be flying under the radar, unlike his predecessor. People grew tired of Trump being in the news constantly so they are willing to accept this now. One big problem is that now people have to actively search for articles detailing Biden's executive actions and policies. Some are finding that the policies he has put in place do little to distinguish him from Trump. But, Biden has been widely accepted by many and is often referred to as "better than Trump". After having a president who was in the news constantly-every single day-people want to be able to go back to being ignorant and acting like the country is on cruise control. Who's to say I blame them for taking this position. We all need a break. 
